

Sunday, November 24, 2013

November's C4K Summary

My first C4K assignment in November was Flora, from Mr. Marks' class at Pt. England School in New Zealand. As usual, I was impressed by my C4K assignment! Flora's blog is interesting to read, and contains several photos. It never ceases to amaze me how elementary students are becoming so technologically literate at such a young age.

My next November C4K was Allie, from Mrs. Cassidy's first grade class in Canada. I wrote about Mrs. Cassidy in an earlier blog post, and Allie's blog is a perfect example of everything I learned from Cassidy's YouTube video, Little Kids Big Potential. Allie's blog has images of pictures she has drawn and she has even written a few sentences on her blog, even though she is only a first grader. There are also comments from her parents. Seeing these comments further inspired me to have a blog in my future classroom-- I think it's great for parents to be able to monitor their children's progress, and it's great for the child to be able to receive positive, written feed back from their parents.

My final C4K assignment was Beth from Ms. Metzler's fifth grade class in Guatmala City. I enjoyed looking through Beth's blog because it was so interesting to read! Beth shares some personal stories and thoughts on her blog, and reading them reinforced everything I have learned about blogging in the classroom, especially that it's a great platform for students to express their opinions and ideas.

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